Thursday, December 3, 2009

Life Goals...

Life constantly evolves right before our own eyes; hopes and dreams of childhood are often corrupted in adulthood.  This corruption is not symptom of a bigger problem but rather a function of maturity; and a sense to accomplish that which is attainable.  Here are a few dreams of mine there were crushed by the reality of adulthood...and made to fit my life.

A. Playing football in the National Football League
B. Watching football on my 42' inch flat screen in HD; so it is like I'm really there.

A. Marrying a tall blonde who played professional volleyball in Norway.
B. Marrying a fiery red-head who allows me to travel to Norway on vacation.

A. Becoming a member of the United States Armed Forces.
B. Dressing up as a GI for holloween.

A. Living in a quaint European town for a few years.
B. Living in Washington, DC and trying to figure out 95, 495, 295, 395, 195 traffic flows.

A. Accepting a job that was offered from a response to an listing in The Economist.
B. Reading all the articles each week in my subscription to The Economist.

A. Owning a Ford F-150.
B. Owning a great gas mileage hybrid car that is eco-friendly and cutesy.

A. Rooting for the Cubs in the World Series.
B. Rooting for a National League team in the World Series.

A. Becoming CEO of a major financial institution.
B. Being able to pay all my bills on time.

A. Attending an Ivy League school.
B. Visit the gift shop of an Ivy League school to purchase a long sleeve T-shirt from that institution.

A. Root for anyone against Notre Dame.
B. Root for anyone against Notre Dame...well, somethings don't change.

A. Travelling to the moon as an Astronaut.
B. Setting my MAC screen saver to travelling through space, zooming through the stars.

A. Working in corporate America for 30 years and retiring.
B. Working for myself at what I enjoy doing; which includes, drinking, socializing, and dancing.

A. Being a father of 10 childern.
B. Watching celeberties adopt kids from Africa like they are a bag of Skittles.

A. Living forever.
B. Living just long enough.

Just some thoughts; did I mention how much I root against Notre Dame?

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